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The page is designed to inform people about the issues that may occur in oral health. With the information that this is provided on this website it is our goal to have people take advantage of it and to apply it to their daily lives.

Establishing Great Dental Hygiene

January 8, 2014


Sometimes patients believe that dentists only do procedures on cavities, however many don't realize that dentists can do more than just that. Dentists can reconstruct your entire smile. In recent experiments, researchers have drawn the conclusion that the health of an indviduals mouth mirrors the conditions and functions of a human body. It is understood that when some one has a healthy mouth the chances for having great health as a whole are very high. If someone does not tend to have a healthy mouth, they are at risk for diseases that would not just effect there mouths but their overall health.


According to the Academy of General denstistry, they have came up with the idea that there is a relationship between gum diesase and health complications. Complications such as strokes and heart disease appear to be normal in people who have poor dental hygiene. Women who have gum disease also have a higher chance for producing unhealthy babies during pregnancy.


From research that was done during the year of 2012, it was shown that 90% of all systemic disease were caused by poor dental hygiene. These oral flaws have caused diabetes, leukemia, oral cancer, pancreatic cancer, heart disease and kidney disease. Not only have they caused these issues but they've caused other issues such as, oral and facial pain, problems with the heart and other organs and digestive problems.


Although all of this information is very frightening there are ways to prevent these things from happeneing in your life. Scheduling an appointment with a dentist helps to keep you mouth in tip top shape. It also gives dentists the chance to catch early cases and to start treatment. Practicing dental maintenance at home can also avoid these things from happening. If one does this it is gaurenteed that great results will show in the long run.



Benefits of Drinking From A Straw

January 22, 2014


Have you ever gone to a resturaunt and decided to drink from a straw? As silly as it sounds drinking from a straw is beneficial to your dental health. When drinking from a straw it acts as a resister and protects your teeth from staining. Using a straw means that you can avoid constant and direct contact with the front of your teeth.

Using a straw means that you have total control of your intake of that food or drink by directing the substance away from your teeth. Alhough your teeth will have some contact with what you are drinking  it is much less than if you were to drink from a glass. When you drink from a glass the liquid would cover all of your teeth. When drinking from a straw it allows less bacteria and sugary substances to stick to your teeth. When these things happen you have a higher chance of getting cavities, which no one would like.


It is also very good to drink from straws because it is safer compared to drinking directly from the glass. Drinking from a straw also lessens the chances of you choking on what you are drinking. While drinking from a straw you intake a smaller amount at a time. The convience of drinking from a straw is that when you are drinking it is much easier to sip than to tilt your head back increasing your chances of choking.

Choosing The Right Toothbrush

January 29, 2014


As people may know toothbrushes are the tools that help perfect your smile. What people do not realize is that sometimes it makes a big difference when choosing the right toothbrush that is right for them. This can be very challenging given the fact that there are so many different toothbtushes that are on the market. It is recommended by dentists that people should go with what ever toothbrush they feel is best for them, as long as they brush correctly. Sadly the majority of people who brush there teeths brush for less than one minute.  In order to brush effectitively people must designate at least 3 minutes of there time in order to reach all of the areas of their mouths and scrub away all of the bacteria.


Any toothbrush that someone chooses should have soft bristles and not hard bristles. Hard bristles are capable of causing gum tissue to pull back from the teeth, which can expose the root of the tooth increasing the sensititivty to hot and cold things. When looking at regular and powered toothbrushes there are no differences as to which one cleans the best. From previous surveys taken by patients they prefer the electric toothbrushes because it helps to monivate them to brush their teeths and also it assissts them whenever they need help brushing their teeth.


It is stressed that people should replace their toothbrushes as soon as the bristles to the toothbrush begin to ware out. It is predicted that the briscles to tooth brushes ware out every three to four months. It also depends upon the amount of force that it placed into brushing your teeth. If you are having a difficult time finding out which toothbrush would be best for you consult with your dentist for advice. After all, they do have a general understanding for what kind of patient you are. 


Natural Remedies For A Toothache

February 12, 2014


People always look for ways to save money. This new way for saving money when it comes to dentistry will perk up someones ears. 

When someone is experiencing a toothache they are some times forced to go to the drug store to buy medication that would help suppress the pain. Instead of spending money on medication at the pharmacy there are home remedies designed to take place of the medication that you could be buying. 


The Remedies for Tooth Aches are the following:

- Olve Oil soaked on cotton.

- Vanilla extract or almond extract.

- A sclice of onion.

- Crushed garlic

- Oregano Oil

- Clove Oil

- Golden Seal Powder

- Baking Soda 

- Oil pulling

- Marine grade coral calcium

- Ozone treatments from the dentist


Maintaining Your Dentures

February 19, 2014


For many people who have lost their teeth throughout their lives they've decided to invest in dentures. Dentures replaces the loss teeth with artificial teeth. Although dentures can be beneficial to your smile there is a lot of responsliblity one must have in order to maintain them. Knowing that dentures stay in your mouth for almost a whole entire day it is important to keep them cleaned. Overtime when dentures are being worn plaque does get on them. Just like it was discussed before plaque can be harmful if its not cleaned off of your teeth. Plaque is considered to be a reservoir for pathogens. Pathogens however is a combination with other risk factors which may be related to some oral and systemic diseases.


When people clean dentures it is always important that they do not use regular toothpaste to clean them, for it is not good for the material of the denture. Toothpaste contains abrasives that scartch the dentures. Overtime if this continues to happen this will damage the denture allowing the person to have to pay lots of money for it to be replaced. 


It is important that dentists advise their patients to clean their dentures daily in antibacterial denture cleanser. The most common used antibacterial is Polident with microclean. After the denture is soaked in the solution the denture should then be brushed gently with a soft bristed toothbrush. After doing this the denture should be rinsed thoroughly. There are other abhesives to dentures. For the people who already wear dentures, they describe them to be well fitting, however sometimes food gets trapped in between the gums and the denture causing the people to get annoyed by the pain and irritation. With proper maintenance needed for dentures these issues can be avoided.  






Dentistry and Pregnancy

February 26, 2014


During pregnancy women spend so much time stressing over their baby's health. Women do whatever they can in order to keep there babies healthy and themselves healthy. What women do not really understand is that dentistry plays a large role in both their's and their baby's health. If someone does not perform great tactics for dentistry it would increase the risk of developing gum disease which can really effect the developement of the baby. Before a women gets pregnant it is important that she schedules a dentist appointment that way her teeth would be cleaned and that her gum tissue could be examined.

Discussing with the dentist treatments for the first trimester and second half of the third trimester is very important as well. In most cases dentist recommend that treatments should be avoided because the baby's growth and development could be effected. It is important that women makes sure to tell their dentists about the amount of dosages they take regularly and during dental exams/medical exams avoid x-rays. If it is something that needs to be done, make sure that the dentist or doctor provides a safeguard for the baby.


Most importantly it is always good to perform great hygiene practices to prevent any oral health problems. Along with great hygiene you should also take advantage of a great diet.

OraMD Toothpaste Mouthwash

March 5, 2014


Nearly a year ago, dentist have told their patients to throw away the toothpaste that they were currently using and to buy another toothpaste called OraMD. OraMD is a compact liquid toothpaste that is comprised of essential oils. Just like any other toothpaste, OraMD functions just like normal dental cleaning agents. It only takes two or three drops on your toothbrush and it provides the best cleaning you need to maintain great oral health. OraMD is made from natural almound, spearmint and peppermint oils. There are no sweeteners, minerals or flourides in it.  

With OraMD you brush twice a day using 2-5 drops on your toothbrush and a normal brushing technique. It does not replace the act of flossing, therefore it is important to also floss while using this toothpaste. The biggest thing about OraMD is that it saves you money compared to other toothpastes. OraMD is a great investment and it is strongly recommended for people from all age groups.

Tooth Decay

January 15, 2014


One of the most common cases in dentistry are tooth decay.  According to Websters Dictionary tooth decay is the destruction of tooth material, which includes enamel. Enamel is the hard outer surface of the tooth which protects the dentin that is in the tooth. Dentin is the layer that is below the enamel and it contains the nerve and blood supply. Tooth decay is caused by bacteria which it comes into contact with tooth enamel. Over time bacteria would eat the enamel and dentin causing tooth decay. 


In most cases people do brush there teeth, however they do not use floss to get in between places where the tooth brush can't get. This is why the most popular spots decay forms is in between teeth. It is important that one must floss after every meal. Dental floss is not only designed to extract the plaque that is in between the gums lessening your chances of getting gum disease but it is designed to extract the tarder build up that is in between two teeth, therefore avoiding bacteria to attack the enamel and to cause tooth decay.


Teeth Whitening/Flouride


February 5, 2014


In the past have you ever receieved teeth whitening using dental flouride? If you have please pay close attention to the informationt that is about mentioned below.

Flouride appears in almost every day use. It is a mineral that usually occurs in most foods and is always in treated water. In life minerals from your teeth are sometimes lost from the tooth's enamel. This happens because throughout the day people eat and drink things that have acids in them. When these acids stick to the enamel it then forms bacteria which causes tooth decay. White flouride helps to prevent teeth from decaying and also reverses early decay. Children are the main ones that have to have flouride because they consume lots of sweets during the day and those sweets place ware and tare on your teeth.


Although flouride mainly shows up in some of the foods that we eat, flouride is offered in a gel, foam or varnish at the dentist office. This makes it easier for patients to undergo treatment. The flouride that is provided by the dentist contains higher levels of flouride compared to normal amounts of it found in various oral cleaning agents.


It becomes a problem if infants and children between the ages of 6 months and 16 years are exposed to too much flouride. The reason being is because during this time children between these ages are still developing permanent teeth. Adults, however benefit from flouride the most. It was indicated in research that toothpasts, mouth wash, and flouride treatments were more important when fighting tooth decay. Therefore it is important that people take advantage of these things when they know that they are on the verge of getting tooth decay.


(Side Note) Great Oral Health Starts At Home


- Brush for 2 to 3 minutes, at least twice a day. 

- Flossing daily to remove plaque from places your tooth brush can not reach.

- Maintaining a healthy diet will provide nutrients such as vitamins A and C and will also help to prevent gum disease and other internal problems.

- Avoiding the use of cigaretts and chewing tobacco can lessen the chance of getting any oral cancers or gum disease.

- Scheduling a dental appointment and asking the right questions will add a jump start to great oral health.


What is the Purpose For Wisdom Teeth?

March 26, 2014


Have you ever experienced the pain of wisdom teeth? Many people have, and do not enjoy it at all. Wisdom teeth start to come in during your early adult years. For some people these teeth come in very well, but for many others they don't come in properly which makes the process very difficult. When the process is difficult it becomes mandatory for dentists to remonve them. Without the removal of wisdom teeth you can get a serious infection in your mouth. Statistics have shown that 95% of of teen agers have wisdom teeth. Very few can get away with not getting them removed.  


Overall, wisdom teeth are not important to have because they are absolutely useless. Many believe that wisdom teeth came from our ancestors. It was anticipated that they needed extra teeth to help chew the foods that they were eating. Although it is uncommon, some people are born today with no wisdom teeth. It is not really understood yet, however it is unlikely because of the size reduction in our jaw and face. The lack of wisdom teeth are more common in places the have lots of agricuture (huntin gatherers).


When people have trouble with their wisdom teeth the root is mainly the problem that causes this pain. Either jaws are too small or teeth are too big this ends up to be a crowed mouth as people get older. Because of the lack of space that is in your mouth, molars can grow sideways only partically emerging from the gums and it is very hard to keep them clean. Fully impacted wisdom teeth can get infected and could disturb the position of the other molars. This is why it is so important to get it removed when these things start to happen.

What Are Solutions For Teeth Sensitivity?

April 2, 2014


There's nothing like eating vanilla ice cream on a hot sunny day, but once you feel a sharp pain hitting your teeth that means that your teeth are sensitive to different temperatures. The thing about tooth senstivity is that each tooth is made up of dentin, tissue and is covered by a protective coating of enamel. When the enamel wares away on your teeth it exposes the dentin that is in your tooth. When this is exposed you can experience painful sensations. Gum recession can also play a key role in this process because when you brush too hard or incorrectly this can lead to dentin exposure. Medical conditions such as bulimis and or acid refulex can be a large contributer to the sensitivity of your teeth. 

Once you loss the enamel it can not be brought back. That's why it is so important that people should use soft bristled toothburshes to brush their teeth and also practice the correct techniques for brusing in general. It is also recommended that you reduce foods that contain high levels of acids. Try to avoid grinding and clenching and also do not forget to schedule dentist appointments every six months.

The Racial Gap To Dentistry

April 9, 2014


Over many decades we have experiencd the harsh predjudices of this nation. Minorities were not given the same opportunities whites were given. African American's, mainly, were treated unfairly and were denied countless times just because they were of a different complection. Ever sinse the 60's there was a discepency between black and white children dental care and it has narrowed dramatically. During the year of 2010 dental care had almost vanished. As of now it is the United States mission to continue to provide the right dental care that is needed for the citizens of America. Many years ago more than 60 percent of African American children had never been to the dentist to recieve the care that they needed. However, less than 30% of white children visited the dentist.

This gap was the greatest amoungst the African American children who did not visit the dentist. Now it is believed that African American and white children have equal rates for dental care. The only problem is that African American children have higher rates of cavities. Other factors such as diet and home care contribute to this issue. Since almost all childhood oral health are preventable, these realizations should make us want to provide the most preventive care for children who are at risk.

Plastic Fillings May Affect Your Childs Behavior

April 16, 2014


Were you ever aware that some of the fillings that were placed in your childs mouth can cause long term changes in their behavior. Many parents do not know this, however it is a proven fact that fillings that are made out of controversial plastics contain chemical bisphenol which would produce these changes. Researches have performed tests on 534 children who in the past had fillings. Many of the fillings that were involved in the test were either made of amalgam or a plastic composite. It was brought to the attention of scientists that children who had the highest number of bisGMA based fillings had more emotional problems. When other fillings were tested there were no signs of changes.

The chemical bisphenol affects human health and exposes children to hyperactivity and aggressive behavior. Composite fillings can also contain BPA. The sad things about it is that composite fillings have treated children's cavities in the mid 90's because they were thought to be safer than mercury containging the amalgam fillings. People have also described the fillings to have a natural look. After leaning this new information about fillings I would be best to avoid plastic fillings from now, especially if its for a child. The last thing you would like to do is place your child's health in jeopardy.

Which is Better, Ergonomic or Regular?

April 23, 2014


Brushing your teeth hasn't changed must since 1938, the year that the modern toothbrush was created. Today in the dental world toothbrush manufacturers have came up with the idea to have a toothbrush that was ergonomic. This toothbrush is designed for comfort and is designed to help get your teeth much cleaner than regular toothbrushes. It is designed to perfect the proper brushing angle during the brushing process. People have already used this toothbrush and have said that the briscles massage the gums and lasts longer than regular toothbrushes. 


Although there are many pros about this tooth brush it is not guaranteed that there would always be a great result for oral health. A hand full of people already see a non benefactor for the ergonomic toothbrush because they are concerned about the way children will use them and how they have not yet mastered the use for the toothbrush itself. It could possibly be difficult for people with severe strokes and other diseases to use it. That's why it is so important to know yourself and to know exactly which tooth brush would be the right one for you. 

(Side Note) Must Have's For A Toothbrush


- Soft brsitles (for gentle cleaning)

- Head size should be 1" long and 1/2" wide.

- An angled head, raised bristles or oscillating tufts.

(Side Note) Dealing with Morning Sickness


It is quite normal for women to experience morning sickness and it is sometimes difficult to eat or brush teeth. If this problem occurs it is important that you change the bland taste of tooth paste. Ask your doctor for a recommended brand.

Rinsing your mouth out with water or mouth wash during sickness will help sooth your pain and your need to vomit.

(Side Note) A list of toxic ingredients in other toothpastes.


- Sodium Flouride

- Triclosan

- Sodium lauryl sulfate

- Propylene glycol

- DEA (foaming agent)

- Chemical sweeteners

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